Research paper publication

Research paper publication

Research paper publication

Knowledge That Shapes Tomorrow

Do you find it difficult to publish your research papers? If you do not know how to get your research paper published. Here comes Delkon Technology to solve your problems and assist you in the simplest ways.

First, let us understand what a research paper is. It is a piece of writing which gives us the analysis, interpretation and conclusion of a research. These research papers are published in journals and on online platforms. The publication is done by submitting the research paper in subject related journal publication, after which the production starts.

The services include various features like

Selecting the journal

We help you recognize the most suitable and impactful journal. We also help you in finding conferences based on the paper subject and topic. It helps in attracting the target audience and focuses on fulfilling the publication goals.

Handling responses

We help you in handling the responses of the reviewers and readers.

Incorporating publication

We help you incorporate authentic publication work which helps in leaving an impact on the target audience.

How does journal publication help the researchers

Various platforms provide publication services. Some of the prominent ones are:

UGC care : It is one of the most trusted journal platforms. It ensures authenticity in the published work. Research article punctuation done at UGC Care attracts a mass audience and builds trust in the research paper. It generally costs around 10,000 INR to get the journal published under UGC care. It usually is a 6-12 months long process.

Scopus journal : Scopus is a database launched by academic publisher, Elsevier in the year 2004. It includes over 22,000 journals by 5,000 publishers. It contains journals on scientific and academic topics on various subjects and branches of study and research. It costs around 500 to 1,000 USD and a period ranging from 4 to 8 weeks to publish in the database.

SCI journal : It is a quarterly journal that publishes papers and articles in all fields of research. It was launched in the year 2012, publishing a database for more than a decade. It is dedicated to providing an un-plagiarized and accurate research database. It is one of the most trusted journal publications.

SCI is further divided into two branches; SSCI and ESCI

SSCI journal : SSCI stands for Social Sciences Citation Index. They have over 3,400 journals covering around 58 social sciences disciples. The papers published at SSCI range from about 6-8 pages.

ESCI journal : ESCI stands for emerging sources citation index. It was launched by Thomson Reuters in the year 2015. Around 3,000 journals were selected, making it a new database in the Web of Science.

SSCI V/S ESCI journal : Both SSCI and ESCI com under the web of science but SSCI is considered better as compared to ESCI. Both are a branch of SCI and are available online.

Springer journal : Springer is one of the leading international scientific publishing companies, publishing over 1,200 journals and more than 3,000 new books annually. The databases provided by Springer Journal are highly trusted and relied upon. The majority of SprSpringer journals are published free of cost.

Transition journal : It is a journal published by the Hutchins Center at Harvard University. It is published three times, every year.

All the above-mentioned journals are leading journal publications for research papers. Journal publication helps researchers in letting the world know about their research work.

Beware of scams

Often people fall into traps of unauthentic and unauthorized publication services. This results in a loss in their work as well as the fees or charges deposited to get their work published. A genuine research article publication service provides a transparent fee structure and provides guaranteed results. Many times students and scholars fall for cheaper and low-cost services, thinking that their work will get done at a lesser price. Not realizing the impact it might have on the overall work. Many times, companies make fake promises and fly away with their fees, not providing any promised service. For example, the end-to-end service charge for getting a UGC care journal publication might cost up to 80,000 INR, but fake companies existing in the market promise to get the same work done for just 15,000 INR and even sometimes less than that. After many attempts to reach out to them, they provide false hopes and finally stop responding to their clients. This is not just financial fraud but also a very stressful case to handle. This leads to various problems such as:

Compromised quality

The papers are usually published on fake sites, created by unauthorized companies, themselves. This results in a failed publication.

Loss of work

Many times it has been seen that scholars try to go for cheaper agencies which end up stealing their work and selling it to other scholars. The paper then gets published under someone else’s name and identity.

Fake agencies

There can be many fake agencies in the market. Pretending to serve you with your needs. In reality, they never get the work done. Research papers often get on hold for years by these agencies, causing great career loss to the scholars.

The solution to scams

Scholars and students must be very aware and attentive to the scams which are mentioned above. They should take precautionary steps like:

Market review

Scholars must go and examine the market to know better about authentic and authorized agencies and companies that keep their promises and work tirelessly to assist you in getting your research work published by one of the most trusted and engaging journal indexes.

Cost check

Scholars must cross-check the pricing and costing policies of authentic agencies. This helps them understand the fee structure and identify reliable agencies and service providers.

Why choose us for your services

Team of experts : We have a team which is experts in academic publishing work

Quality guaranteed : We guarantee a high-quality service.

Customized work : Every paper that we receive gets special attention and assistance.

Guaranteed acceptance: We provide a guarantee of acceptance to our clients.

We have had an impressive rate of acceptance in the past. A research work, thesis or any other PhD work is considered as successful only when it gets accepted. Get your p h d work done by our expert team and boost your career at a catalytic rate.