Annotated Bibliography Writing Service

Annotated Bibliography Writing Service

Annotated Bibliography Writing Service

Yesterday you got an assignment. Today you got an essay to write and tomorrow you will have to write a report. This is what a student’s life looks like, nowadays. Full of work and no time for self-studies, self-care and family. With the increasing rate of academic competition, the load on the students keeps on increasing rapidly. They have to write numerous papers, assignments, essays, and projects and the list goes on and on. In this seeking some external help is not a bad Idea.

One such help comes from annotated bibliography writers. These writers make sure you get some quality time for yourself, free from all kinds of stress and academic pressures.

An annotated bibliography is a type of bibliography that gives an overview of all the resources on a given topic. It gives brief information on all the sources of data and information. It contains a bibliography followed by a short explanation of the research along with its sources. It usually ranges from 100-200 words. It consists of the topic of research, the question explored, the resources used, etc.

Why are annotated bibliographies written?

An annotated bibliography helps in many ways, such as:

Giving a literature review

It helps in doing a literature review. The contents of the annotated bibliography help in matching their authenticity and relevance.

Helps in knowing the strength of the research

As all the strengths and weaknesses are mentioned here, it introduces the readers about the strengths and qualities of the research.

Mention all the important points

And figures like graphs, charts, tables, etc. mentioned in the content. and figures like graphs, charts, tables, etc. mentioned in the content.

It provides valuable judgements of the work

Including the purpose of the research it also shows all the valuable related judgements.

Important things to remember while writing an annotated bibliography

The topic of investigation:  The topic must be easily understandable and should be clearly introduced in the bibliography.

The question(s) of research: the question of the research must be explained along with its background.

Use of unbiased sources and methods: Biased sources and methods lead to plagiarism and other academic offenses. Therefore, bibliography must be written with any biased opinions.

A topic which gives a variety of perspectives should be chosen. The important, keywords and key statements from the text.

What does an annotated bibliography contain?

Writing an annotated bibliography requires special skills and techniques which usually students do not posses. It should contain a list of all the resources, their summary, references and the conclusions drawn. An annotated bibliography must contain the following:

Provides complete citation: a list of all the references is mentioned here. All the citation along with their proofs and evidences are enlisted in this section. It is a part of the unfolding research.

Background of the writer: gives an idea about the background of the author(s) of the research.

The scope and content of the text: it shows what all the text contains, its scope and nature.

The main argument of research: the main topic or question of the research is mentioned here.

Directs the targeted audiences: it aims at the targeted audience, making sure the work reaches the intended readers.

List of all the methods used in the research: introduces us to all the methods and techniques used in the research.

The derived conclusions: the conclusion(s) derived from the research are mentioned here.

Important features of the content: it highlights all the important, key features of the text based on a particular research.

The usefulness of the research: it also shows that a particular search is useful and the necessity to conduct it.

Relationship between the research and the topic: An annotated bibliography shows the link between the text and the question of the research.

Strength of the work: all the strengths of the text based on the research are enlisted here.

Weakness of the research: all the weaknesses are also mentioned in this section.

Author’s views and opinions on the research: the writers’ final opinions and reviews are mentioned here, along with their suggested solutions.

How an annotated bibliography is written?

An annotated bibliography is written in various steps:

  • Choosing a specific source: The writer needs to choose a specific source, along with other important attached information.
  • A review of all the data collected for the research has to be done.
  • Citation of the chosen source has to be done in the correct writing style.
  • The annotation is done by highlighting the major and key ideas and texts.

Why do you need assistance with your work?

PhDFY offers a variety of benefits to its clients. We help students in elevating their academic goals and careers. Academic writing like annotated bibliographies requires a lot of time and skills. Students find it very difficult and stressful to write them on their own. To enlighten their burden PhDFY helps the students by writing bibliographies which are:


Our writers and researchers provide an un-plagiarized and authentic service to their customers. The bibliography written by us comes along with a plagiarism report as proof of our authenticity. This helps our clients to rely on us without any stress and doubts.

Time management

When students fail to balance their personal lives and academics they miss a lot of things and opportunities. To help them, PhDFY provides writing services to students. This helps them in saving time and utilizing it for some constructive work.

Cheaper alternative

Writing a bibliography on your own is more costly than getting it written by PhDFY. It requires tools, software and resources that need to be bought or paid for. This makes the process very costly. PhDFY provides budget-friendly writing services to its clients.

Quality guaranteed

Our team of writers and editors do not compromise on the quality of their services. We guarantee high-quality work to our clients.